Reputable And Professional Team Building Organization Service In Hanoi

Team building is a popular program that businesses absolutely love to increase cohesion and improve teamwork skills. However, not all businesses can organize successful team-building programs on their own. So to organize a successful professional team building program, you need reputable team building service providers. Let HoaBinh Events share with you the professional team building organization service right away.

The necessity of team building organizational services

Currently, to maintain the working spirit of your employees, team building programs are always a great solution. It can be seen that each member of the organization has a love for travel activities and fun games. That’s why team building events will not only bring benefits to businesses but also motivate employees to help revive the working spirit of each employee in the company. 

Team building programs always connect members together

However, in order for a team building activity to truly bring great results as the organizer desires, the event will need to be guaranteed from preparation to execution according to the script, from start to finish.

Just a small mistake or an inappropriate item will prevent the team building program from being as effective as possible. When the organizers choose a concept or game that is not suitable for the members of the group, it will definitely not be able to motivate and energize those individuals to work.

That can also somewhat affect the quality of work as well as the development of the business. It is for this reason that the team building organization service was born and will become increasingly useful for companies and businesses that need to organize cohesive collective events for their own businesses.

Factors that create success of team building services

Provide unique ideas

Before organizing a team-building program, the organizer will need to come up with ideas first to build a concept and choose team-building games that match that concept. Not only that, the ideas will need to be truly suitable for the company’s personnel and consistent with the corporate culture. Therefore, ideas are considered the most important thing when organizing team-building activities. 

When providing team building services, the staff will support customers in coming up with new and unique ideas that are suitable. Team-building services provided by event organizing companies will be professional and offer reasonable ideas.

Ideas are considered the most important thing when organizing team building activities

From here, the following items can easily be carried out effectively and successfully:

Optimize costs

For companies that need to organize team building once a year, considering and calculating all organizational costs is not easy. Cost calculation is not simply understood as estimating all costs; it is also a matter of considering how to make the costs most reasonable. The difficulty in calculating costs that organizers often encounter is how to organize a program with all the necessary activities while still maximizing cost savings for the business.

And for units that provide team building organization services, the events they organize will be able to take place successfully while still saving the most costs for the business. Therefore, if companies want to organize team building activities, they can hire suppliers to help them estimate and calculate costs in the most effective way.

Provide a method for organizing team building events

If the team building program lasts at least 3 hours, but most will take place over 3 days, the preparation activities for the program will take even more time. Usually, to successfully organize a team building event, the organizer will have to plan it about 1–2 months before the event.

The process of preparing a team building activity will usually involve planning, choosing a location, contacting suppliers, etc. Therefore, if the business does not have much time to spend on actual planning, you should choose a team-building service provider.

If the business does not have much time to spend on actual planning, you should choose a team building service provider

When choosing an organization to organize an activity, you will be provided with professional team-building services and will receive dedicated support from the planning step to the implementation and completion of the program. This will help businesses both save time and have a perfect program.

When businesses want it, they just need to hand over the estimated budget and requirements for activities. From the cost, the service provider will create a script and prepare items and other parts. The service will take on the responsibility of assigning and coordinating personnel to run the program, selecting equipment, developing scripts, etc.

Everything will be built and prepared properly, and the business only needs to monitor and participate in the correct process. You will save a lot of time for businesses that are always busy.

Address risks

Not only in event organization and team-building activities, but organizing any event will also need to have a secondary plan in case unfavorable circumstances occur to the original plan. At the same time, there will also be cases that arise that are not part of the pre-determined plan.

Therefore, to best prevent risks from arising, visitors should contact reputable professional team building service units to help them. The organizer, with extensive experience, will help you build plans to handle situations that occur during the program. They are also responsible for operating the program in accordance with the process in the most methodical manner, thereby minimizing all unnecessary risks.

When organizing team building, avoid venues at risk of landslides, natural disasters, etc.

Resolve contractual issues

Instead of having to personally liquidate all the contracts that the business signed during the process of organizing activities, service providers will help you support this task. For businesses that do not have time to process each contract, team-building services will, of course, help you solve them. The basic contracts that businesses need to liquidate after organizing an event are venue rental contracts, car rental contracts, restaurant reservations, and hotel reservations.

The organizational process that HoaBinh Events’s team building organization service provides

Depending on the purpose and budget of each business, the team-building service provider will help you come up with different concepts. However, for a team-building program to be successful, the following steps must be taken:

Step 1: Determine the invited guests to participate

Identifying participants is the first and most important step to creating a successful program. The guests attending will need to be people of a suitable nature and suitable for the program.

To draw the characters of your guests, you need to classify them based on their age. This will help you choose the organizational form and games for activities that best suit your guests. When everything is right, team-building activities will bring great results. The younger the participants, the more exciting and creative the challenge will need to be.

To have a successful team building program, the business first needs to determine the list of participating members

Step 2: Determine the costs in the program

Program organization budget is one of the important issues that you need to pay attention to because, to organize a program, you will need to have a specific process, and what governs that process is the budget source.

You will need to determine the maximum cost that the program can use in order to choose the most reasonable service items to avoid encountering unnecessary costs. Normally, the program will have expenses such as:

  • Travel, accommodation, and food expenses
  • The entrance fee includes sightseeing tickets and tour guide
  • Cost of renting a venue for team-building activities
  • Cost of organizing team-building activities
  • Costs for media services
  • Cost of organizing a gala dinner event

If it is just a team building program, the organizational budget will be much lower than the programs combined with resort tourism activities.

Step 3: Choose the location and time of the event

Hold time

When choosing a time to organize team-building, you should avoid organizing these programs at times when important projects and work are taking place in the company. You should choose the time to hold the event when the weather is most favorable so that the program will take place without interruption.

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You should choose the time to hold the event when the weather is most favorable so that the program will take place without interruption


Based on the nature and budget of the team-building activity, the organizer will choose the most appropriate location for the activity. If your team-building activity takes place for the purpose of training personnel and conveying messages, the venue should be spacious and airy. If the team-building program takes place for the purpose of relaxing and connecting employees, resorts and beaches are great venues.

Step 4: Communication before the event

Organizing a team-building program is not only a bonding activity but also a great opportunity to carry out communication campaigns to promote the image of the business. At the same time, through this campaign, it will create an impression and sympathy for customers and partners. That’s why, before team-building activities take place, come up with a clear communication plan with specific strategies and methods.

Step 5: Choose the appropriate transportation method

If you organize a program at locations close to your company, employees and guests can proactively move there. However, most program locations are far from the company because the number of participants is large, so large locations are needed.

Surely these locations will be quite far away, so you should rent a car so that everyone can move and connect with everyone, as well as manage everyone more easily. In addition, there are venues where you will have to travel by train, plane, boat, etc., so you should contact the transportation unit in advance to book tickets for your group.

Step 6: Choose accommodation and food services

Having participated in team-building activities, members will certainly feel quite hungry and tired because they have to exercise a lot, so you must have rest and food services to serve them. When choosing accommodation facilities, you should choose places that are spacious, comfortable, and secure.

Ideally, if the accommodation has services, you should choose a place to stay to facilitate transportation and help save time and money. Regarding food and beverage services, it is best to choose hygienic and clean places to ensure safety for the whole group.

Step 7: Make a specific organizational plan

Regardless of the type of event or team-building activity, there will need to be a clear organizational plan in advance. In the plan section, you will need to ensure it has all the following specific items:

  • Gathering: This is the first part of preparing to gather the whole group at the organization locations, divide into teams, and warm up as people.
  • Challenges: After the warm-up is complete, teams will participate in solving difficult challenges.
  • Summary: In the summary section, the organizers will summarize all the results and award prizes to the winning teams.
  • Final part: This last part is the commemorative photo session and the end of the program.

In the external plan, including this category, there will be no shortage of creative and new ideas so that members can feel excited and interested in participating.

Step 8: Choose a team-building game

Games not only let members relax but are also considered the soul of the entire program. You need to choose games that create joy, laughter, and attraction, thereby conveying the message to participating members. Depending on the guests, the nature of the program, and the venue, choose appropriate challenges. In addition, you should also provide clear game rules to ensure fairness for players.

Games not only let members relax but are also considered the soul of the entire program

Step 9: Prepare team building game equipment

To contribute to games, game equipment is the part that will help achieve high efficiency. Support tools are indispensable. Tools will have to be prepared in advance. However, with concepts that use a large and diverse number of game items, to ensure quality, you should choose a reputable supplier to hire. Wearing team clothes or hats with all your teammates not only shows team spirit but also helps teams differentiate themselves from each other, thereby helping to facilitate the entire trial participation process. challenge.

Step 10: Assign tasks to departments

Right from the beginning of planning to organize team-building activities, the plan will need to clearly outline which personnel have what tasks to be able to carry out the work most conveniently and smoothly. As those in charge of the exam program, you need to assign specific groups of work as follows:

Human resources develop program content

Personnel responsible for creating content ideas and scripts for the entire team-building program will also need to include a selection of accommodations, transportation, and food facilities.

Personnel setting up the program

The personnel responsible for setting up the program will take on the main task of preparing and setting up the sound system, game equipment, lighting, background, etc.

Human resources support team-building activities

Staff in charge are responsible for supporting team-building activities such as preparing logistics equipment and navigating and guiding players.

Staff running the program

With the main running staff in the program, there will be staff such as MCs, logistics, tour guides, etc. Each person will have their own mission, and they will all have a direct impact on the final results of the whole team. Therefore, the human resources team will need to complete it well to achieve the highest effectiveness of the program. That’s why the human resources team will need to complete their tasks well.

Staff running team building programs play an important and indispensable role

Step 11: Make a detailed script

With each different team-building concept, there will be different organizational forms, but in general, the specific scenario will have the following basic parts:

Focus, warm up, and split into teams

  • Focus: The MC will need to gather all participating members at the location of the team-building activities. After everyone has gathered, the MC’s task is to stabilize everyone and introduce the program. Then the company’s leadership will make a few statements before the program.
  • Team division: MC will divide the whole group into random teams or divide everyone by department as long as the quality of the teams is equal.
  • Warm up: MC stirs up a vibrant atmosphere to help everyone warm up gently with warm-up games.

Overcoming challenges

Overcoming challenges is the main part of the entire team-building activity. This part takes the majority of the time, usually about 2 hours. The MC or host of the program will have the task of leading and disseminating the rules of the game to the participants so they can understand them as easily as possible. 

In addition, the MC is also the one who makes the program attractive and makes participants feel excited before and after participating in the challenge.

Summary and awarding

After each challenge, the organizers will be responsible for summarizing and scoring each team, and at the end of the program, the total scores of the challenges will be summarized. When the organizing committee has the results, the representative will reward the winning team and invite that team to express their thoughts about the program.

Take commemorative photos at the end of the program

Before ending the program’s activities, each team will have a short time of 10 to 15 minutes together to record moments and media materials for later.

Step 12: Design and printing

Design and printing are two of the next things you need to do. After you have scripted the details and design, you will print the media publications. In addition to posting information about the program on fan pages or media sites, you need to have a clear and detailed plan. Because they are media publications, they need to be meticulously crafted and checked regularly.

Step 13: Media

Media is one of the important items in the team-building program. The main job of media personnel is to save sharp videos and photos using professional tools. Images from the program will be recreated with vivid images. The staff performing this task needs to find cool corners and divide scenes to produce the best media publications.

Step 14: Prepare plans to prevent risks

With team-building activities, the number of participants will usually be quite large, so in addition to the program organization plan that has been set up in advance, we will need to create a scenario to address all risks. Resolve the bad situations that will occur. Anticipated incidents will help you proactively and calmly resolve the entire situation. There are risks that you need to pay attention to, as follows:

  • Make a plan to relocate the event date when looking at the weather forecast. If it is not possible to move the event date, it is necessary to prepare for risks to avoid rain and bad situations in the hall.
  • Provide contingency plans for cases caused by external factors affecting activities or uncooperative players.
  • Prepare power supply plans in case of a power outage.
  • Survey the venue, accommodations, meals, etc., and contact the people in charge in advance to complete paperwork and place a deposit.
  • Provide methods to help ensure safety for participating members.

Step 15: Set up the staging area

For businesses that only organize outdoor team-building activities but do not have a gala dinner, the stage item only needs a simple setup but still needs to ensure there are enough items such as flags, backdrops, and stage podiums for members to check in when participating. 

If you participate in games that use game equipment, you will need to set up for 4 hours before participating. If there is a gala dinner activity after the team building, you need to arrange a grand and detailed stage with lights, carpets, etc. For the selected stage setup area, you will need to choose a location with flat terrain. To ensure the safety of participating players.

Step 16: Run the program

After all the programs have been prepared, the program will now take place as planned. Usually, the program should be tested before it officially takes place. During the trial run, the organizers will need to pay attention to the program’s shortcomings and promptly correct them. The MC will be the main person responsible for the activity and will coordinate it smoothly. For those with experience, this is extremely easy. Running the program in advance will help everyone coordinate smoothly with each other.

Step 17: Communication after the team building program

Communication after the program is the final part to spread the spirit of solidarity as well as for members to understand the message to help them work more effectively. At the same time, through these images, businesses will be able to bring their brand image closer to partners and potential customers.

Communication after the program helps to spread the spirit of solidarity of members

Are there any interesting team building concepts that team building services provide?

In parallel with the pace of modern life, which is increasingly developing and changing every day, team-building programs are no longer simply limited to popular forms. Team-building scenarios have been diversified to meet the diverse desires and needs of customers. Popular and interesting forms of team-building organizations include:

Organize team building indoors

When organizing team-building activities indoors, the organization space will be quite small, and the characteristics of these activities are that they have a short organizing time and the challenges are not too complicated.

This activity will often be combined with seminars and conferences to train skills and help staff develop. Games held indoors are often light-hearted, with the purpose of helping members relax and break the ice.

Organize an outdoor building team

Organized games are a great physical activity. The venue will be outdoors, especially resorts, beaches, parks, etc. Outdoor team programs will be combined with resort tours to create a vacation with impressive experiences and perfect effects for participants. Attractive, appropriate, and rich team-building games will help participating members stir up the atmosphere and create a bridge to help everyone get closer together.

Organize team building that lasts for many days

Organizing multi-day team-building activities will often be combined with resort tourism programs or team-building training programs. The long-term team program is part of a series of activities that will create an impressive highlight for the trip. Or, with team-building activities that last for many days, it is a series of game challenges that take place continuously. The organizational purpose of this program will be to teach the values of mental toughness and health training to be ready to overcome all the difficulties ahead.

HoaBinh Events – Reputable and professional team building organization service in Hanoi

HoaBinh Events is one of the leading professional team-building planning units in Vietnam, with much creativity, uniqueness, and prestige. We not only bring customers excellent quality services, the most optimal prices, and the best experiences. In addition, we always try to provide customers with a variety of other services that are convenient and of the highest quality.

Moreover, we also provide a system of extremely modern facilities and equipment, such as speakers, lighting and sound equipment, tables and chairs, etc. Besides, we also own human resources, have extensive experience in event organization, and are always proactive, flexible, and meticulous in each stage of organization.

The events that HoaBinh Events organize are extremely diverse, including:

  • Conferences and seminars
  • Year-end party
  • Year-end gratitude party
  • Business festival
  • Opening ceremony
  • Inauguration ceremony
  • New product launch ceremony

Above is information about HoaBinh Events’s prestigious and professional team-building organization service in Hanoi. Hopefully, this article will be of some help to you when you need to organize team building. For any information you need advice on, please contact us through our hotline at 0913.311.911 – 0939.311.911 for 24/7 support.